
Can I Recover Damages If I Was Partially At Fault for an Accident in Kentucky?

Posted on Jan. 4 2022 in Personal Injury Cases

If you or somebody you love sustains an injury caused by the negligence of another individual or entity in Kentucky, you should be able to recover compensation for your losses. However, what happens if you were partially at fault for the injuries that caused your injuries? Here, we want to discuss how Kentucky handles partial fault when it comes to personal injury lawsuits. This is important information because other parties in the case could use claims of partial fault in an effort to lower the amount of money they pay you in a settlement. How Does Partial Fault Work in Kentucky? States around the US use various systems in order
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Pros & Cons of Personal Injury Settlements Out of Court

Posted on Dec. 1 2021 in Personal Injury Cases

If you or somebody you care about has been injured due to the careless or negligent actions of another individual, business, or entity, then you should be able to recover compensation for your losses. The vast majority of personal injury cases in Kentucky are resolved through settlements with insurance carriers. However, there are times when a civil personal injury lawsuit becomes necessary. Here, we want to discuss the pros and cons of taking a personal injury settlement out of court as opposed to going all the way to trial. Pros of Settling Out of Court There are various reasons why settling out of court may be more beneficial to a
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Distracted Driving FAQs

Posted on Dec. 1 2021 in Blog

Distracted driving is one of the most dangerous things that can occur on the roadway. In fact, the dangers of distracted driving are on par with impaired driving, and the reality is that most people drive while distracted and do not think twice about it. Here, we want to answer some of the most common questions associated with distracted driving on the roadways of Kentucky. How Dangerous is Distracted Driving Overall? Distracted driving is one of the leading causes of vehicle accident injuries and fatalities in this country. When we look at data available from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), we can see that 3,142 individuals lost their
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Traumatic Brain Injuries & Motorcycle Accidents

Posted on Oct. 27 2021 in Blog

Operating a motorcycle is exhilarating, but it also comes with substantial risks. Motorcyclists in Kentucky are more vulnerable than drivers and passengers inside traditional vehicles. This is especially true when it comes to traumatic brain injuries caused by accidents. Here, a brain injury lawyer in Louisville from Meinheart, Smith, and Manning PLLC discusses the most common types of brain injuries caused by motorcycle accidents, as well as various preventative steps that motorcyclists can take to remain safe on the roadways. Brain Injuries and Motorcycle Accidents – A Common Theme Motorcyclists are much more exposed on the roadway than those inside traditional passenger vehicles. Unfortunately, this means that motorcyclists are more
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Is it Legal to Operate a Motor Vehicle With Headphones in Kentucky?

Posted on Oct. 27 2021 in Blog

Most people do not think twice about putting headphones in their ears, regardless of what they’re doing. This includes driving. But is it even legal to operate a vehicle in Kentucky with headphones in your ears? Here, we want to examine various distracted driving laws in Kentucky, including operating with headphones or other types of Bluetooth/wireless devices. Are There Kentucky Laws Banning Headphones While Driving? We want to say right up front that there are no laws in Kentucky prohibiting individuals from wearing headphones while operating a motor vehicle. However, there are specific dangers associated with headphone usage that we will discuss in a moment. Kentucky does have laws regarding
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Who Is Responsible For Auto Damage Caused By a Pothole in Kentucky?

Posted on Sep. 7 2021 in Blog

The last thing that anybody expects is that they will be involved in a vehicle accident caused by poor roadway conditions. However, potholes are everywhere. In some situations, roads are so marred by defects and potholes that they can be difficult to drive on. But who is responsible for vehicle damage as a result of a pothole? Here, we want to discuss who is responsible for roadway maintenance as well as how to prove a pothole damage claim in Kentucky. What Damage Can Be Caused By Potholes? Most people simply think of potholes as an inconvenience. However, the reality is that potholes can lead to significant damage to a vehicle.
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Should I See a Doctor After a Slip & Fall Accident?

Posted on Sep. 7 2021 in Blog

Slip and fall accident injuries can affect anybody. These incidents can occur while a person is at work, at their home, shopping at the store, going to the bank, and more. The truth is that any person involved in a slip and fall incident needs to seek medical care as soon as they can. The truth is that slip and fall victims are often embarrassed by what happened, regardless of who caused the incident, and want to get away from the accident site as soon as possible without causing a fuss. This is a mistake. If You Have Any Pain, This is a Sign That Something Happened If you slip
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How Do I File a Wrongful Death Claim in Kentucky?

Posted on Aug. 4 2021 in Blog

If you have lost somebody that you love due to the careless, negligent, or intentional actions of someone else, you may be able to file a wrongful death claim in order to obtain closure and secure compensation for your losses. Even though a wrongful death lawsuit will not be able to erase what happened, these cases can bring some measure of peace to family members. Here, we want to discuss the basic steps for filing a wrongful death lawsuit in Kentucky. Common Causes of Wrongful Deaths? When we examine Kentucky law regarding wrongful death claims, we can see that these cases arise when “the death of a person results from
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Common Causes of Building Fires and How to Prevent Them

Posted on Aug. 4 2021 in Blog

Building fires are much more common than most people realize. This includes fires that occur inside of residential homes as well as commercial structure fires. Here, we want to examine some recent house fire and nonresidential fire statistics. We also want to look at some of the most common causes of building fires. When you are prepared with information, you could take various preventative steps to prevent fire from destroying your business or home. We want this information to prevent burn injuries and property damage. Table of Contents Common Causes of House Fires and Nonresidential Fires House Fire Statistics Nonresidential Building Fire Statistics Fire Prevention Tips What Should I Do
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Should I Post Details About a Personal Injury to Social Media Platforms?

Posted on Jun. 28 2021 in Personal Injury Cases

Anytime something major happens in our lives, the vast majority of us now reach to social media to talk about it. Try as we might to resist the pull of being connected through various types of apps, the reality is that most of us are connected and, dare we say, addicted to various aspects of the social media realm. Be it Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, Twitter, Snapchat, or another type of social media platform, clicking those little icons is like second nature for so many people. However, if you have been injured due to the careless or negligent actions of someone else, clicking on social media apps may be the last
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