Posted on Nov. 18 2014 in Personal Injury Cases
The birth of a child is supposed to be one of the most wonderful moments in a family’s history. However, it can quickly turn into a nightmare if proper care is not exercised. If the unthinkable happens, and mother or baby loses their life, understanding the family’s rights can help the survivors obtain some measure of compensation for this horrible loss. Maternal Death During Childbirth Statistics The United States, despite its civilized status, has an alarmingly high death rate for mothers during childbirth. The rate is actually increasing, despite advances in science and neonatal care; according to the National Institute of Health, the rate in 1982 was 7.5 deaths per
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Posted on Nov. 17 2014 in Personal Injury Cases
The delivery of a child is one of the most medically complex acts a doctor learns how to perform. Every second can matter, and every movement must be critically assessed. When deliveries need to be sped up, that action has traditionally been performed with forceps, though as medicine evolves, vacuum extractions have become more common. Nonetheless, both methods can lead to problems. It is important to know your rights if things take a turn for the worse. If your infant was injured as a result of poor use of vacuums or forceps, contact the Louisville birth injury lawyers at Meinhart & Manning, PLLC. Vacuum & Forceps: Uses & Risks If
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Posted on Nov. 14 2014 in Personal Injury Cases
When a child is born, all a parent wants to do is get acquainted. However, there are formalities to deal with. At one minute and five minutes after birth, a test of sorts is given to the newborn to quickly assess his or her health and cognitive function. Named after the anesthesiologist who developed it, the Apgar score is thought to be an accurate way to tell whether a newborn needs immediate medical attention. It is done at every birth in the United States that occurs in the presence of a medical professional. What The Score Means Though the test was named after Virginia Apgar, the name is also used
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Posted on Sep. 18 2014 in Firm News
When our law firm asked scholarship applicants to write an essay about how medical malpractice or injury from negligence affected their lives, the response was overwhelming. Among the applications submitted, one stood out. April Liwanag told the story of how physician overconfidence led to a delayed diagnosis when her mother contracted breast cancer. April, a student at Michigan State University College of Law, was awarded the 2014, Meinhart & Manning, PLLC Scholarship to continue her studies. The $1,000 scholarship was designed to support those who’ve been directly impacted by a serious injury and who are motivated to help others. Ms. Liwanag clearly recognizes the dual role injury attorneys have. Getting a
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Posted on Sep. 17 2014 in Personal Injury Cases
If asked to list the most important elements for our bodies to function correctly, oxygen would likely be at the top. It fuels every process in our bodies to some degree. Consequently, lack of oxygen can cause significant and frightening injuries, even if only deprived for a very short time. It is important to know the signs and symptoms of hypoxia, or oxygen loss, so that immediate and long-term steps can be taken. If you or a loved one develops injuries from oxygen deprivation, you may be able to obtain compensation with the help of a Louisville hypoxia lawyer. Severe Oxygen Deprivation Causes and Symptoms Severe oxygen deprivation in babies
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Posted on Sep. 15 2014 in Personal Injury Cases
In late July, Iveth Yaneth Garcia-Menchaca took her two-month old baby, Issac, to Kosair Children’s Hospital after his father allegedly beat his head into the bathtub. Personnel did their best to save the child, but could not – he was declared brain dead and preparations were made to take him off his feeding tube. However, the mother filed suit against this, stating that only parents could make those medical decisions. A circuit court judge declined to sanction that idea, stating that no parental right survived. Ms. Garcia-Menchaca still did not recognize the ruling, saying she was ‘devastated.’ It brings up an interesting question – can a hospital be found liable
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Posted on Sep. 11 2014 in Medical Malpractice Cases
Kentucky is soon to decide what is proving to be an extremely hotly contested election. Mitch McConnell, the Senate Majority Leader, is facing off against Alison Lundergan Grimes, Kentucky’s Secretary of State, for McConnell’s Senate seat, and the campaign has been muckraking, to say the least. It is extremely close, and there are a few hot-button issues that are serving to set voters on one side or the other. The issue of medical malpractice reform has come up again and again in the media, and has the potential to polarize voters. Current State of Medical Malpractice in Kentucky As it stands right now, the current climate for medical malpractice in
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Posted on Sep. 9 2014 in Medical Malpractice Cases
In this day and age, women are having children a bit later in life. While this is obviously a choice individual to each woman, more science is coming to light which indicates that having children slightly later on in life may carry risks with it. It is important to be aware of the risk factors so you can make an informed decision. Possible Risks of Childbirth at an Older Age There is a lot of fearmongering, but it is entirely possible, and even probable, that a baby born to a mother over the age of 35 will be perfectly healthy. That said, the risks are real. The most common birth
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Posted on Aug. 26 2014 in Medical Malpractice Cases
When a child is born with problems, the first reaction of most parents is, quite understandably, fear. Confusion can reign supreme, with concern over their child’s quality of life eclipsing any and all other matters. However, if your baby has been injured, rather than born with a disability, seeking redress may help your family financially and emotionally. One of the most common birth injuries which can provoke later complications is called a cephalohematoma, or swelling at the top and back of the head. Contact a Louisville personal injury lawyer for a free case evaluation. What Is Cephalohematoma? A cephalohematoma is a swelling, usually from a minor internal hemorrhage, between the
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Posted on Aug. 25 2014 in Case Results & Settlements,Firm News
Chris Meinhart of Meinhart & Manning recently helped win a $7.44 million jury verdict for the family of a young mother who died after doctors failed to diagnose a severe urinary tract condition. Twenty-seven-year-old Jessica Butler was 19 weeks pregnant when she went to the emergency room at Baptist Hospital East, complaining of abdominal pain. Nurses consulted with her ob-gyn and sent her home with medication for a urinary tract infection. She was never examined by a doctor. When Jessica’s condition worsened the next day, she returned to the hospital and was diagnosed with urosepsis – a serious condition in which a urinary tract infection spreads to the blood. During
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