Trial Attorneys

Louisville No-Fault Auto Accident

Meinhart & Manning, PLLC has handled numerous motor vehicle accident claims and are well-familiar with the tactics of insurance companies use to get out of paying victims fair compensation for their injuries. As our Louisville car accident attorney team knows, the most important law surrounding car accident claims and lawsuits in Kentucky is our No-Fault Statute.

Kentucky is a no-fault auto accident state. This does not mean that no one bears responsibility for an accident. For accident victims, it means the following:

The first $10,000 in medical expenses, lost wages or other reimbursable expenses is to be paid by your insurance company and not by the insurance company of the at-fault party.

No-Fault Accident Statutes in Kentucky


The second purpose of Kentucky no-fault is to restrict who can file a personal injury claim in Louisville. It establishes “THRESHOLD” requirements before you can sue an at-fault party. The Kentucky “THRESHOLD” requirements are as follows:
  • Death
  • Permanent Injury
  • Fractured bone
  • Disfigurement
  • Loss of body member
  • Permanent loss of bodily function
  • $1,000 in medicals.

Kentucky no-fault pays for the following:

  • Medical expenses
  • Lost wages ($200/week unless you purchased more than $10,000 in no-fault)
  • Replacement services
  • Survivor’s economic loss
  • Survivor’s replacement services
  • Funeral expenses

Contact Meinhart & Manning, PLLC today if you have been involved in a car accident in Kentucky. Our team of Louisville personal injury attorneys can help you with your accident. Representing injured people: It’s what we do!