
Facts About Truck Accidents

Posted on Mar. 16 2023 in Personal Injury Cases

With the increase of what could be called “shipping culture,” we have seen that there are more and more commercial trucks and delivery vehicles on the roadway. Here, we want to discuss facts about commercial truck accidents. The reality is that, despite attempts to improve overall commercial trucking safety, these accidents continue to lead to significant injuries and property damage. How Much Do Commercial Trucks Weigh? As you know, commercial trucks weigh much more than traditional passenger cars. According to the Federal Highway Administration, a commercial truck fully loaded with cargo can weigh up to 80,000 pounds. As we examine the statistics in this article, keep in mind that the
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Can You Sue for Bad Plastic Surgery Results? What You Need to Know

Posted on Mar. 2 2023 in Medical Malpractice Cases

The information available from the Cleveland Clinic shows that cosmetic surgery is very common in the US. Data shows that providers conduct more than 15 million cosmetic procedures annually across this country. However, what happens if a person gets bad plastic surgery? These unfortunate incidents do occur, but do victims have recourse? Here, we want to examine whether or not you can file a lawsuit for bad plastic surgery as well as what you need to know about working with an attorney and the time frame to file these claims. The Medical Standard of Care for Plastic Surgery No matter what type of healthcare professional you work with, you need
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